Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for division 5

By individual

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Antonia GaneHeworth 23224442507.8
Karen AndersonStamford Bridge3021272297.6
Claire TwiggStamford Bridge3020462237.4
Chris HowatAppleton Roebuck 13120382207.1
Jane MerrittHeworth 22721332168.0
Clare DaviesYork 329153111926.6
Julia Campbell BarwickAppleton Roebuck 131153131926.2
Jeanette BowdenKnaresborough 22517351857.4
Denise BolamDunnington 126151101857.1
Michelle WoodDunnington 129133131796.2
Kath TempleAppleton Roebuck 12616281756.7
Debra BarnesHeworth 22313731717.4
Sally DalyStamford Bridge27141121706.3
Sarah SimmondsPoppleton 32413741687.0
Jess DawkesAppleton Roebuck 12612591556.0
Lou ForsterKnaresborough 22211561547.0
Helena KendallPoppleton 32113441527.2
Linda MoorePoppleton 32492131466.1
Angela RotheryStamford Bridge2112361396.6
Natalie MuirStamford Bridge1513111369.1
Alison WigdahlDunnington 11812241367.6
Izzy BriggsStamford Bridge2113171356.4
Melanie GriffithsHeworth 2209471316.6
Gilly EnglandPoppleton 32474131285.3
Libby EdisonYork 32955191284.4
Helen WatkinsHeworth 2208481216.1
Karen ChleboPoppleton 31810261176.5
Charlotte MitchellDunnington 11210201129.3
Amber SteelAppleton Roebuck 12073101125.6
Tracey FowlerYork 3178361096.4
Jana WillisKnaresborough 22254131095.0
Jeyda DouglasPoppleton 31210111068.8
Katie MachinDunnington 1186571035.7
Claire RichardsHeworth 2186391015.6
Sally HowatDunnington 115726986.5
Sue PauerPoppleton 315807986.5
Clare DixonHeworth 2234118964.2
Mush AslamYork 3214215934.4
Lauren NewboldDunnington 114635916.5
Jan SayerYork 3234217914.0
Karen MitchellDunnington 19810879.7
Emma DoughtyStamford Bridge12903877.3
Charlotte CuzziolHeworth 215555875.8
Zoe StuartKnaresborough 212642857.1
Jess SouthwellYork 315609835.5
Mary Jane MurrayAppleton Roebuck 114617815.8
Jess MitchellDunnington 18800769.5
Margaret EvansPoppleton 3154110765.1
Jean GeraghtyPoppleton 312417756.3
Charlene BrittanDunnington 115339744.9
Linda MolloyDunnington 114428725.1
Georgia MusgraveYork 311515696.3
Holly DawkesAppleton Roebuck 111434676.1
Mary RileyKnaresborough 29603657.2
Fiona SmithPoppleton 39612637.0
Ruth CranidgeYork 311524625.6
Roisin AstallYork 39423616.8
Sara HeronAppleton Roebuck 19513576.3
Charlotte HowardPoppleton 36501559.2
Laura MazecaiteAppleton Roebuck 19324515.7
Susan MedcalfYork 39234505.6
Fiona Thake-SmithPoppleton 39414495.4
Laura BissonYork 36411488.0
Emma CashmoreAppleton Roebuck 15401469.2
Fiona MallonHeworth 29315465.1
Paula BirchKnaresborough 2141013453.2
Claire ShackletonKnaresborough 29315414.6
Lyn SavilleKnaresborough 29216414.6
Anna DawkesAppleton Roebuck 16222396.5
Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 15311387.6
Chris HughesHeworth 28206374.6
Sophie ElliottYork 39126364.0
Sandara HolmesStamford Bridge210021361.7
Margaret JenkinsDunnington 16204355.8
Fiona SaundersonKnaresborough 2111010343.1
Jane ScannHeworth 29108333.7
Anne ScottKnaresborough 26204325.3
Anne PageKnaresborough 29216323.6
Jude RevisDunnington 133003110.3
Mel LesleyKnaresborough 28116303.8
Coral MainKnaresborough 25113295.8
Amanda McVeyAppleton Roebuck 16105294.8
Lauren CaleyPoppleton 36114294.8
Di EkersHeworth 23300289.3
Alison CoughlanPoppleton 36204284.7
Fiona BeightonPoppleton 36024264.3
Sophie ThompsonYork 39108262.9
Jo LeighDunnington 16204254.2
Sue LacyStamford Bridge150015241.6
Sheree AshmanKnaresborough 26105223.7
Josette FarmerDunnington 16114223.7
Alex BolamDunnington 13201206.7
Penny SheardKnaresborough 23111196.3
Suzanne WebbAppleton Roebuck 13102175.7
Linda ParkinKnaresborough 22200168.0
Molly MachinDunnington 13111165.3
Emily RycroftDunnington 13102165.3
Debbie ChapmanAppleton Roebuck 12101136.5
Jo WedgePoppleton 33003134.3
Kate HarpinPoppleton 33012113.7
Cathy RadfordHeworth 23102113.7
Di LongStamford Bridge6006111.8
Caroline GreepKnaresborough 2300393.0
Emily HurstYork 3300393.0
Jean GraystonePoppleton 3300382.7
Madeline ?Knaresborough 2500581.6
Harriet FlynnYork 3300372.3
Caroline MitchellYork 3300351.7
Michelle WallYork 3300351.7
Georgia GardnerDunnington 1200221.0

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Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44