Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for division 5

By pair

View stats by individual

Antonia Gane / Jane MerrittHeworth 22420221998.3
Karen Anderson / Sally DalyStamford Bridge2113171477.0
Denise Bolam / Michelle WoodDunnington 12091101276.4
Angela Rothery / Claire TwiggStamford Bridge1812241246.9
Sarah Simmonds / Helena KendallPoppleton 3159331087.2
Debra Barnes / Melanie GriffithsHeworth 2148421057.5
Lou Forster / Jeanette BowdenKnaresborough 213913987.5
Julia Campbell Barwick / Mary Jane MurrayAppleton Roebuck 114617815.8
Jess Southwell / Clare DaviesYork 312606756.3
Libby Edison / Jan SayerYork 3173212744.4
Chris Howat / Kath TempleAppleton Roebuck 19711707.8
Jess Dawkes / Holly DawkesAppleton Roebuck 111434676.1
Izzy Briggs / Emma DoughtyStamford Bridge9702637.0
Charlotte Mitchell / Alison WigdahlDunnington 166006110.2
Denise Bolam / Jess MitchellDunnington 16600589.7
Kath Temple / Sara HeronAppleton Roebuck 19513576.3
Margaret Evans / Linda MoorePoppleton 39414566.2
Charlotte Howard / Jeyda DouglasPoppleton 36501559.2
Natalie Muir / Claire TwiggStamford Bridge6510549.0
Charlotte Cuzziol / Claire RichardsHeworth 29324505.6
Gilly England / Karen ChleboPoppleton 39315495.4
Chris Howat / Amber SteelAppleton Roebuck 18323486.0
Kath Temple / Julia Campbell BarwickAppleton Roebuck 18404486.0
Karen Chlebo / Fiona SmithPoppleton 36501477.8
Chris Howat / Emma CashmoreAppleton Roebuck 15401469.2
Mary Riley / Jeanette BowdenKnaresborough 26501457.5
Jeanette Bowden / Zoe StuartKnaresborough 26321427.0
Linda Molloy / Alison WigdahlDunnington 16402416.8
Tracey Fowler / Roisin AstallYork 36222396.5
Chris Howat / Jess DawkesAppleton Roebuck 16501396.5
Helen Watkins / Debra BarnesHeworth 26231386.3
Sue Pauer / Gilly EnglandPoppleton 36303376.2
Clare Dixon / Chris HughesHeworth 28206374.6
Clare Davies / Tracey FowlerYork 35311377.4
Linda Moore / Jean GeraghtyPoppleton 36114366.0
Clare Davies / Georgia MusgraveYork 36204345.7
Sue Pauer / Linda MoorePoppleton 36204345.7
Tracey Fowler / Ruth CranidgeYork 36303335.5
Susan Medcalf / Libby EdisonYork 36132335.5
Clare Dixon / Jane ScannHeworth 29108333.7
Antonia Gane / Helen WatkinsHeworth 25302326.4
Lyn Saville / Anne ScottKnaresborough 26204325.3
Karen Mitchell / Jude RevisDunnington 133003110.3
Karen Anderson / Natalie MuirStamford Bridge33003110.3
Karen Mitchell / Lauren NewboldDunnington 133003010.0
Karen Anderson / Claire TwiggStamford Bridge3210299.7
Linda Molloy / Charlene BrittanDunnington 16024294.8
Amber Steel / Jess DawkesAppleton Roebuck 16204294.8
Fiona Thake-Smith / Alison CoughlanPoppleton 36204284.7
Charlotte Mitchell / Katie MachinDunnington 13210289.3
Debra Barnes / Di EkersHeworth 23300289.3
Sarah Simmonds / Jean GeraghtyPoppleton 33300279.0
Sue Pauer / Jeyda DouglasPoppleton 33300279.0
Natalie Muir / Izzy BriggsStamford Bridge3300279.0
Fiona Mallon / Claire RichardsHeworth 23210268.7
Laura Bisson / Clare DaviesYork 33300268.7
Karen Mitchell / Sally HowatDunnington 13210268.7
Katie Machin / Lauren NewboldDunnington 16024254.2
Julia Campbell Barwick / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 13210258.3
Natalie Muir / Emma DoughtyStamford Bridge3201248.0
Sue Lacy / Sandara HolmesStamford Bridge150015241.6
Helena Kendall / Jeyda DouglasPoppleton 33210248.0
Charlotte Mitchell / Charlene BrittanDunnington 13210237.7
Lou Forster / Jana WillisKnaresborough 23120237.7
Julia Campbell Barwick / Laura MazecaiteAppleton Roebuck 13210227.3
Laura Bisson / Mush AslamYork 33111227.3
Karen Anderson / Izzy BriggsStamford Bridge3300227.3
Georgia Musgrave / Roisin AstallYork 33201227.3
Claire Shackleton / Zoe StuartKnaresborough 23210227.3
Michelle Wood / Katie MachinDunnington 13210227.3
Mush Aslam / Libby EdisonYork 36105213.5
Mel Lesley / Zoe StuartKnaresborough 23111217.0
Fiona Thake-Smith / Karen ChleboPoppleton 33210217.0
Alex Bolam / Michelle WoodDunnington 13201206.7
Anna Dawkes / Jess DawkesAppleton Roebuck 13120206.7
Linda Moore / Helena KendallPoppleton 33201206.7
Sally Howat / Jo LeighDunnington 13201206.7
Mary Riley / Jana WillisKnaresborough 23102206.7
Clare Davies / Sophie ElliottYork 33120206.7
Penny Sheard / Jana WillisKnaresborough 23111196.3
Lou Forster / Anne PageKnaresborough 23111196.3
Margaret Jenkins / Sally HowatDunnington 13102196.3
Amber Steel / Anna DawkesAppleton Roebuck 13102196.3
Sarah Simmonds / Gilly EnglandPoppleton 33120196.3
Antonia Gane / Charlotte CuzziolHeworth 23120196.3
Jess Mitchell / Lauren NewboldDunnington 12200189.0
Alison Wigdahl / Lauren NewboldDunnington 13111186.0
Clare Dixon / Charlotte CuzziolHeworth 23111186.0
Helen Watkins / Claire RichardsHeworth 23102175.7
Helen Watkins / Jane MerrittHeworth 23111175.7
Helen Watkins / Melanie GriffithsHeworth 23102175.7
Chris Howat / Suzanne WebbAppleton Roebuck 13102175.7
Sally Howat / Charlene BrittanDunnington 13102175.7
Jan Sayer / Sophie ThompsonYork 36105172.8
Mush Aslam / Susan MedcalfYork 33102175.7
Mush Aslam / Ruth CranidgeYork 33111165.3
Linda Parkin / Jana WillisKnaresborough 22200168.0
Sally Daly / Claire TwiggStamford Bridge3102165.3
Lauren Caley / Fiona SmithPoppleton 33111165.3
Katie Machin / Molly MachinDunnington 13111165.3
Julia Campbell Barwick / Amanda McVeyAppleton Roebuck 13102165.3
Alison Wigdahl / Sally HowatDunnington 13111165.3
Amber Steel / Laura MazecaiteAppleton Roebuck 13111165.3
Margaret Jenkins / Emily RycroftDunnington 13102165.3
Angela Rothery / Izzy BriggsStamford Bridge3012155.0
Fiona Saunderson / Coral MainKnaresborough 22101157.5
Jana Willis / Paula BirchKnaresborough 25005142.8
Sheree Ashman / Paula BirchKnaresborough 23102144.7
Sarah Simmonds / Fiona BeightonPoppleton 33021144.7
Lou Forster / Coral MainKnaresborough 23012144.7
Amanda McVey / Laura MazecaiteAppleton Roebuck 13003134.3
Lauren Caley / Jo WedgePoppleton 33003134.3
Debbie Chapman / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 12101136.5
Georgia Musgrave / Ruth CranidgeYork 32110136.5
Margaret Evans / Fiona BeightonPoppleton 33003124.0
Gilly England / Jean GeraghtyPoppleton 33003124.0
Josette Farmer / Katie MachinDunnington 13102124.0
Kate Harpin / Gilly EnglandPoppleton 33012113.7
Fiona Mallon / Cathy RadfordHeworth 23102113.7
Josette Farmer / Michelle WoodDunnington 13012103.3
Claire Shackleton / Anne PageKnaresborough 23102103.3
Mush Aslam / Sophie ThompsonYork 3300393.0
Mel Lesley / Caroline GreepKnaresborough 2300393.0
Claire Shackleton / Paula BirchKnaresborough 2300393.0
Lyn Saville / Jana WillisKnaresborough 2301293.0
Fiona Mallon / Melanie GriffithsHeworth 2300393.0
Sophie Elliott / Emily HurstYork 3300393.0
Sandara Holmes / Izzy BriggsStamford Bridge300382.7
Margaret Evans / Jean GraystonePoppleton 3300382.7
Fiona Saunderson / Paula BirchKnaresborough 2300382.7
Jess Southwell / Mush AslamYork 3300382.7
Clare Dixon / Claire RichardsHeworth 2300382.7
Jana Willis / Madeline ?Knaresborough 2300382.7
Sheree Ashman / Fiona SaundersonKnaresborough 2300382.7
Sophie Elliott / Harriet FlynnYork 3300372.3
Sally Daly / Di LongStamford Bridge300372.3
Jo Leigh / Charlene BrittanDunnington 1300351.7
Michelle Wall / Caroline MitchellYork 3300351.7
Sandara Holmes / Di LongStamford Bridge300341.3
Fiona Saunderson / Anne PageKnaresborough 2300331.0
Linda Molloy / Georgia GardnerDunnington 1200221.0
Mel Lesley / Madeline ?Knaresborough 2200200.0

Read more about the player statistics and how they are calculated.

Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44