Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for division 7

By pair

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Amanda McVey / Laura MazecaiteAppleton Roebuck 22321202089.0
Sophie Elliott / Harriet FlynnYork 41812421468.1
Liz Walker / Andrea WebsterWilberfoss 2129121008.3
Sue Thompson / Rachel MorecroftCopmanthorpe 312723887.3
Rachael Goode / Karen BrosterSutton Upon Derwent 212615826.8
Christine Thomas / Jill HodgesCopmanthorpe 312624786.5
Wendy Farnell / Kirsty TigheRufforth 312516766.3
Liz Walker / Karen PrattWilberfoss 29801768.4
Debbie Chapman / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 29801758.3
Catherine Gray / Laura CrawfordRufforth 39612657.2
Cath Wilson / Theresa McKibbinCopmanthorpe 39612626.9
Rosie Sheppard / Emily HurstYork 49423606.7
Romualda Plewes / Sophie LindenfelserSutton Upon Derwent 29324606.7
Alison Tullie / Wendy WatsonRufforth 39324556.1
Margaret Jenkins / Debbie ChippsDunnington 26420549.0
Maisie Booth / Molly MachinDunnington 29513546.0
Andrea Webster / Sarah ColmerWilberfoss 26510528.7
Suzanne Webb / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 26600518.5
Sarah Colmer / Gill HusbandWilberfoss 28332506.3
Christine Thomas / Heather RichardsonCopmanthorpe 36321467.7
Jane Jones / Heather RichardsonCopmanthorpe 36411457.5
Christal Wake / Lisa WilesSutton Upon Derwent 29306424.7
Heather Richardson / Cath WilsonCopmanthorpe 36312416.8
Rosie Sheppard / Jenny ParryYork 46321406.7
Sue Thompson / Theresa McKibbinCopmanthorpe 36222386.3
Mel Williams / Sara WheelerDunnington 29306384.2
Sue Thompson / Jill HodgesCopmanthorpe 36402376.2
Elspeth Firth / Diane HillRufforth 36312366.0
Karen Pratt / Max BaileyWilberfoss 26213366.0
Lisa Payne / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 25212357.0
Laura Crawford / Lily VaughanRufforth 36303345.7
Becky Westwood / Imogen ClarkeYork 46204335.5
Susan Taylor / Becky WestwoodYork 46204335.5
Carole Carter / Vanessa Westland-FryAppleton Roebuck 28116313.9
Annette Houghton / Monica SmithSutton Upon Derwent 233003110.3
Christine Place / Wendy FarnellRufforth 36033315.2
Wendy Farnell / Sarah WalkerRufforth 36204305.0
Marnie Freeman-Hacker / Helen ShakeshaftWilberfoss 29117303.3
Cath Wilson / Hatty LythgoeCopmanthorpe 33300299.7
Jenny Rossington / Emma KroustiDunnington 26123284.7
Josette Farmer / Debbie ChippsDunnington 23300289.3
Alison Tullie / Laura CrawfordRufforth 33300289.3
Margaret Jenkins / Shan HuangDunnington 23300279.0
Suzanne Webb / Lisa PayneAppleton Roebuck 23300279.0
Linda Molloy / Maisie BoothDunnington 23300268.7
Ann Hopwood / Heather RichardsonCopmanthorpe 33300268.7
Lisa Payne / Lucy HollidayAppleton Roebuck 23210268.7
Margaret Jenkins / Emily RycroftDunnington 23210268.7
Jo Leigh / Shan HuangDunnington 23300258.3
Vic Henderson / Hanna MiersSutton Upon Derwent 23210248.0
Josette Farmer / Jo LeighDunnington 23201248.0
Katie Machin / Shan HuangDunnington 23300248.0
Josette Farmer / Mel WilliamsDunnington 23210237.7
Jo Leigh / Charlene BrittanDunnington 23210237.7
Jane Jones / Sue ThompsonCopmanthorpe 33300237.7
Wendy Farnell / Catherine GrayRufforth 33201237.7
Anna Lewis / Elspeth FirthRufforth 33210237.7
Debbie Chipps / Charlene BrittanDunnington 23201227.3
Jane Jones / Yvette BentCopmanthorpe 36105223.7
Andrea Webster / Gill HusbandWilberfoss 23201227.3
Becky Westwood / Kate GodfreyYork 43300227.3
Ann Hopwood / Emma DavisCopmanthorpe 33201227.3
Debbie Chapman / Kathryn HodgesAppleton Roebuck 23120227.3
Mary Jane Murray / Kelly HunterAppleton Roebuck 23201227.3
Rosie Sheppard / Kate GodfreyYork 43201217.0
Romualda Plewes / Tamsin MarshallSutton Upon Derwent 26006213.5
Sophie Elliott / Jenny ParryYork 43201217.0
Karen Broster / Izzy CarringtonSutton Upon Derwent 23300217.0
Barbara Wood / Emily RycroftDunnington 23201217.0
Debbie Chapman / Amanda McVeyAppleton Roebuck 23210217.0
Barbara Wood / Barbara PlummerDunnington 23201217.0
Sophie McCraken / Olivia WhitingRufforth 33210217.0
Jane Jones / Theresa McKibbinCopmanthorpe 33201217.0
Rosie Sheppard / Sophie ElliottYork 43111206.7
Max Bailey / Helen ShakeshaftWilberfoss 26105203.3
Jenny Rossington / Debbie ChippsDunnington 23201206.7
Elspeth Firth / Kirsty TigheRufforth 33201206.7
Susan Turner / Izzy HobsonSutton Upon Derwent 23111206.7
Alison Tullie / Olivia WhitingRufforth 33111206.7
Romualda Plewes / Christal WakeSutton Upon Derwent 23201206.7
Christal Wake / Susan TurnerSutton Upon Derwent 23120206.7
Olivia Turner / Susan TurnerSutton Upon Derwent 23120206.7
Margaret Jenkins / Charlene BrittanDunnington 23111196.3
Amber Steel / Debbie ChapmanAppleton Roebuck 23111196.3
Debbie Chapman / Carole CarterAppleton Roebuck 23111196.3
Yvette Bent / Jude HansonCopmanthorpe 33111196.3
Christine Thomas / Theresa McKibbinCopmanthorpe 33111186.0
Theresa McKibbin / Yvette BentCopmanthorpe 33201186.0
Romualda Plewes / Karen BrosterSutton Upon Derwent 23111186.0
Rosie Sheppard / Becky WestwoodYork 46015183.0
Rose Batey / Imogen ClarkeYork 43201186.0
Rachel Bramwell / Kirsty TigheRufforth 33111175.7
Josette Farmer / Eleanor SchofieldDunnington 23111175.7
Izzy Holder / Beatric LosSutton Upon Derwent 23201175.7
Rachael Goode / Emma StewartSutton Upon Derwent 23102175.7
Lisa Payne / Debbie ChapmanAppleton Roebuck 23102175.7
Christine Place / Elspeth FirthRufforth 33102175.7
Carole Carter / Laura HallAppleton Roebuck 23102175.7
Katie Machin / Molly MachinDunnington 23201175.7
Poppy Halliday / Poppy WassonRufforth 33111175.7
Pauline Connolly / Amanda McVeyAppleton Roebuck 23102175.7
Elspeth Firth / Laura CrawfordRufforth 33012165.3
Wendy Farnell / Anna WattRufforth 33102165.3
Andrea Webster / Marnie Freeman-HackerWilberfoss 23111165.3
Rachael Goode / Izzy CarringtonSutton Upon Derwent 23111165.3
Linda Molloy / Josette FarmerDunnington 23102165.3
Susan Taylor / Annie CharltonYork 46006162.7
Lisa Wiles / Karen BrosterSutton Upon Derwent 23102165.3
Jo Leigh / Sara WheelerDunnington 23102155.0
Kathryn Hodges / Vanessa Westland-FryAppleton Roebuck 23102155.0
Max Bailey / Gill HusbandWilberfoss 23102155.0
Catherine Gray / Sarah WalkerRufforth 36015152.5
Pauline Connolly / Debbie ChapmanAppleton Roebuck 23021155.0
Susan Taylor / Vicky PapstYork 43102155.0
Sue Dillon / Theresa McKibbinCopmanthorpe 33102155.0
Eleanor Schofield / Emily RycroftDunnington 23003144.7
Ruth Hanson / Vicky PapstYork 43102144.7
Izzy Hobson / Karen BrosterSutton Upon Derwent 23003134.3
Ann Hopwood / Yvette BentCopmanthorpe 33012134.3
Sonya Clarke / Anna WattRufforth 33102134.3
Lucy Holliday / Carole CarterAppleton Roebuck 23102134.3
Lisa Payne / Pauline ConnollyAppleton Roebuck 23003134.3
Max Bailey / Catherine TaylorWilberfoss 23012124.0
Sue Thompson / Sue DillonCopmanthorpe 33003124.0
Lisa Wiles / Hanna MiersSutton Upon Derwent 23102124.0
Ana Fernandez / Rose BateyYork 43102124.0
Christal Wake / Izzy HobsonSutton Upon Derwent 23012124.0
Sue Thompson / Cath WilsonCopmanthorpe 33012124.0
Liz Walker / Max BaileyWilberfoss 22101126.0
Vicky Papst / Ana FernandezYork 43012113.7
Margaret Jenkins / Emma KroustiDunnington 23012113.7
Mel Williams / Emma KroustiDunnington 23012113.7
Vanessa Westland-Fry / Debs RichardsAppleton Roebuck 23012113.7
Ruth Hanson / Ana FernandezYork 43003113.7
Annie Charlton / Vicky PapstYork 43003113.7
Rosie Sheppard / Harriet FlynnYork 43012113.7
Beatric Los / Robyn ShipleySutton Upon Derwent 23012113.7
Susan Taylor / Sophie ThompsonYork 43003103.3
Sophie Lindenfelser / Izzy HolderSutton Upon Derwent 23003103.3
Pauline Connolly / Carole CarterAppleton Roebuck 23012103.3
Vanessa Westland-Fry / Ena LawrenceAppleton Roebuck 23003103.3
Max Bailey / Marnie Freeman-HackerWilberfoss 2300393.0
Vicky Papst / Clare PerryYork 4300393.0
Ana Fernandez / Becky WestwoodYork 4300393.0
Ruth Hanson / Susan TaylorYork 4300393.0
Helen Shakeshaft / Emily StockhillWilberfoss 2300382.7
Lily Vaughan / Olivia WhitingRufforth 3300382.7
Martha Shakeshaft / Helen ShakeshaftWilberfoss 2200284.0
Ana Fernandez / Imogen ClarkeYork 4300372.3
Marnie Freeman-Hacker / Emily StockhillWilberfoss 2300372.3
Pauline Connolly / Debs RichardsAppleton Roebuck 2300362.0
Jenny Rossington / Josette FarmerDunnington 2300351.7
Andrea Webster / Catherine TaylorWilberfoss 2300351.7
Sue Dillon / Yvette BentCopmanthorpe 3300351.7
Susan Turner / Lisa WilesSutton Upon Derwent 2300320.7

Read more about the player statistics and how they are calculated.

Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44