Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for Dunnington

By pair

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Denise Bolam / Michelle Wood2091101276.4
Charlotte Mitchell / Alison Wigdahl66006110.2
Denise Bolam / Jess Mitchell6600589.7
Margaret Jenkins / Debbie Chipps6420549.0
Maisie Booth / Molly Machin9513546.0
Margaret Jenkins / Emily Rycroft6312427.0
Linda Molloy / Alison Wigdahl6402416.8
Mel Williams / Sara Wheeler9306384.2
Katie Machin / Molly Machin6312335.5
Karen Mitchell / Jude Revis33003110.3
Karen Mitchell / Lauren Newbold33003010.0
Linda Molloy / Charlene Brittan6024294.8
Jo Leigh / Charlene Brittan6213284.7
Josette Farmer / Debbie Chipps3300289.3
Jenny Rossington / Emma Krousti6123284.7
Charlotte Mitchell / Katie Machin3210289.3
Margaret Jenkins / Shan Huang3300279.0
Karen Mitchell / Sally Howat3210268.7
Linda Molloy / Maisie Booth3300268.7
Jo Leigh / Shan Huang3300258.3
Katie Machin / Lauren Newbold6024254.2
Josette Farmer / Jo Leigh3201248.0
Katie Machin / Shan Huang3300248.0
Josette Farmer / Mel Williams3210237.7
Charlotte Mitchell / Charlene Brittan3210237.7
Debbie Chipps / Charlene Brittan3201227.3
Michelle Wood / Katie Machin3210227.3
Barbara Wood / Barbara Plummer3201217.0
Barbara Wood / Emily Rycroft3201217.0
Alex Bolam / Michelle Wood3201206.7
Jenny Rossington / Debbie Chipps3201206.7
Sally Howat / Jo Leigh3201206.7
Margaret Jenkins / Sally Howat3102196.3
Margaret Jenkins / Charlene Brittan3111196.3
Jess Mitchell / Lauren Newbold2200189.0
Alison Wigdahl / Lauren Newbold3111186.0
Josette Farmer / Eleanor Schofield3111175.7
Sally Howat / Charlene Brittan3102175.7
Linda Molloy / Josette Farmer3102165.3
Alison Wigdahl / Sally Howat3111165.3
Jo Leigh / Sara Wheeler3102155.0
Eleanor Schofield / Emily Rycroft3003144.7
Josette Farmer / Katie Machin3102124.0
Mel Williams / Emma Krousti3012113.7
Margaret Jenkins / Emma Krousti3012113.7
Josette Farmer / Michelle Wood3012103.3
Jenny Rossington / Josette Farmer300351.7
Linda Molloy / Georgia Gardner200221.0

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Copyright 2024 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44