Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for Rufforth

By pair

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Judith Evans / Maggie Zhang3065191334.4
Kate Lewis / Sarah Skidmore2154121095.2
Wendy Farnell / Kirsty Tighe12516766.3
Emma Whiting / Helen Taylor153111724.8
Catherine Gray / Laura Crawford12615715.9
Alison Tullie / Wendy Watson9324556.1
Denise Reilly / Emma Whiting9234535.9
Vicky Wrigley / Carole Withers9333525.8
Sue Slights / Kate Lewis6411437.2
Clare McMahon / Helen Taylor9306404.4
Elspeth Firth / Diane Hill6312366.0
Laura Crawford / Lily Vaughan6303345.7
Christine Place / Wendy Farnell6033315.2
Wendy Farnell / Sarah Walker6204305.0
Alison Tullie / Laura Crawford3300289.3
Wendy Farnell / Catherine Gray3201237.7
Anna Lewis / Elspeth Firth3210237.7
Sophie McCraken / Olivia Whiting3210217.0
Lesley Sinton / Liz Powell6105213.5
Liz Powell / Clare White6015203.3
Elspeth Firth / Kirsty Tighe3201206.7
Alison Tullie / Olivia Whiting3111206.7
Catherine Gray / Sarah Walker9018182.0
Christine Place / Elspeth Firth3102175.7
Emma Whiting / Clare McMahon3201175.7
Rachel Bramwell / Kirsty Tighe3111175.7
Poppy Halliday / Poppy Wasson3111175.7
Wendy Farnell / Anna Watt3102165.3
Diane Hill / Helen Taylor3102165.3
Elspeth Firth / Laura Crawford3012165.3
Emma Whiting / Kate Lewis3102144.7
Clare McMahon / Clare White3102134.3
Sonya Clarke / Anna Watt3102134.3
Sarah Skidmore / Carole Withers3012124.0
Anna Lewis / Diane Hill3012124.0
Carole Withers / Helen Taylor3012113.7
Vicky Wrigley / Wendy Watson3102113.7
Sarah Skidmore / Vicky Wrigley3003113.7
Anna Lewis / Clare White3003113.7
Emma Whiting / Vicky Wrigley3003103.3
Emma Whiting / Maggie Zhang3003103.3
Rachel Bramwell / Catherine Gray300393.0
Lesley Sinton / Clare McMahon300393.0
Denise Reilly / Maggie Zhang300382.7
Judith Evans / Clare White301282.7
Diane Hill / Clare White300382.7
Kate Lewis / Anna Lewis300382.7
Lily Vaughan / Olivia Whiting300382.7
Carole Withers / Anna Lewis301282.7
Clare McMahon / Laura Crawford300382.7
Clare McMahon / Olivia Whiting300372.3
Wendy Farnell / Diane Hill600671.2
Sue Slights / Maggie Zhang300362.0
Liz Powell / Diane Hill300362.0
Kate Lewis / Clare White300362.0
Emma Whiting / Carole Withers300351.7
Liz Powell / Helen Taylor300351.7
Liz Powell / Rachel Bramwell300341.3

Read more about the player statistics and how they are calculated.

Copyright 2024 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44