Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for Wilberfoss

By pair

View stats by individual

Ros Latham / Dinah Burke1611141227.6
Chris Oldfield / Bev Tebbutt176561036.1
Liz Walker / Andrea Webster129121008.3
Liz Walker / Karen Pratt9801768.4
Sarah Colmer / Gill Husband11335605.5
Andrea Webster / Sarah Colmer9513586.4
Georgia Pratt / Karen Pratt9513576.3
Karen Pratt / Max Bailey9315505.6
Gerry Screeton / Caroline Gaines6501508.3
Dinah Burke / Bev Tebbutt6501457.5
Gerry Screeton / Ros Latham6312376.2
Gerry Screeton / Georgia Pratt6303315.2
Marnie Freeman-Hacker / Helen Shakeshaft9117303.3
Ros Latham / Bev Tebbutt6114274.5
Andrea Webster / Gill Husband3201227.3
Max Bailey / Helen Shakeshaft6105203.3
Gerry Screeton / Chris Oldfield3201206.7
Chris Oldfield / Caroline Gaines3111196.3
Andrea Webster / Marnie Freeman-Hacker3111165.3
Dinah Burke / Jess Cawood3012165.3
Max Bailey / Gill Husband3102155.0
Dinah Burke / Max Bailey3102155.0
Chris Oldfield / Karen Pratt3102144.7
Georgia Pratt / Andrea Webster2101136.5
Georgia Pratt / Sarah Colmer2110136.5
Max Bailey / Catherine Taylor3012124.0
Liz Walker / Max Bailey2101126.0
Gerry Screeton / Bev Tebbutt2101115.5
Karen Pratt / Sarah Colmer6006111.8
Georgia Pratt / Caroline Gaines3003103.3
Max Bailey / Marnie Freeman-Hacker300393.0
Liz Walker / Bev Tebbutt300382.7
Helen Shakeshaft / Emily Stockhill300382.7
Martha Shakeshaft / Helen Shakeshaft200284.0
Liz Walker / Sarah Colmer300372.3
Marnie Freeman-Hacker / Emily Stockhill300372.3
Ros Latham / Jess Cawood300362.0
Andrea Webster / Catherine Taylor300351.7

Read more about the player statistics and how they are calculated.

Copyright 2024 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44