Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League


   Download the league rules in Word format for printing.

The home team must ensure that a copy of these Rules is either displayed in the clubhouse or is available for consultation before and/or during any match.


1. Dates for matches are to be played in accordance with the fixture list published on the league website prior to the season starting. There are extra weeks at the end of the season for re-arranged matches. Matches clashing with a bank holiday or other exceptional circumstances must be rearranged before the season starts. If matches clash with an evening mixed match, a captain can ask for the match to be rescheduled and must be offered alternative dates by the home captain before the season starts. The Fixtures and Results Secretary should be notified of any changes.

2. Each team will play a home and away fixture against each other team in the division.

3. Clubs with more than one team in the same division will play each other as early as possible in the season as fixtures allow.

4. If a nominated captain/contact will not be available on the day of a match, an alternative contact number must be provided beforehand to the opposition. Captains should reconfirm match details before each fixture.

5. Matches are to be played from third week in April. Matches can only be cancelled during the season as a result of bad weather or other exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances must be approved by the League Committee. Matches cannot be rearranged due to the unavailability of players. Matches are to be scheduled to be played over a weekend (Saturday or Sunday). If clubs want to schedule their matches to be played at any other time, this must be proposed and voted on at the AGM. This excludes clubs that currently play their matches at other times and any rearranged matches. A blank /fixture free weekend will usually be set at the end of May. Matches are to be completed by 31st August unless exceptional circumstances exist which must be approved by the Committee.

6. All players should be on court and ready to play at the published start time of a match (there should be a warm-up after which match play should begin). Any players who are not on court at the start time can play on arrival but must finish when the other two rubbers are completed. All remaining unfinished games will be awarded to the team who were ready to play at the start of the match.

7. In the event of a whole team arriving late, due to mistaking the agreed start time the opposing team can, if they wish, claim games at the rate of one game per 5 minutes from 15 minutes after the published start time. If there are mitigating circumstances, such as traffic issues, which result in a team arriving late but the team had under normal conditions allowed enough travel time, games should not be claimed. If there are time constraints, any remaining games could be shared at the end of play. Both team captains should be prepared to resolve issues of late arrival in a convivial manner.

8. New teams/Clubs will not be accepted into the Fulford Ladies lnvitation Tennis League if they are outside the 12 mile radius of York, unless their admission into the league is proposed and accepted at the AGM (this excludes clubs already in the league).

Format of Play

9. Teams are to consist of three couples with each couple playing 12 games against each opposing couple.

10. Games are to be played in line with standard Lawn Tennis Association Rules.

Player Eligibility and Nominated Players

11. Players must be fully paid-up members of their club which is registered in the Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League to be eligible for matches.

12. Clubs with two or more teams must nominate three players for each team (with the exception of the lowest team) before the season starts. If a team fails to nominate players, the first three players named on the score card for the first match will be taken to be the nominated players. Nominated players cannot play in a lower team than the team they have been nominated for.

13. Players who are not nominated in a team are able to play for a team twice and continue to play for a lower team. Once a player who is not nominated has played for a higher team three times they cannot play for a lower team.

14. A County player can only play for their first team regardless of which division they are in. County players are those who have been selected to represent a County team in the current season.

15. If a player wishes to transfer from one club to another during the season the player must notify the League Secretary. After notification, they may continue to play for their current club for the period of transfer which will be 28 days from when the League was informed. In exceptional circumstances, this period may be flexible if approved by the Committee. A player may only make one transfer per season.

League Structure

16. The top two teams from each division will be promoted at the end of each season. The bottom two teams from each division will be relegated at the end of each season. In exceptional circumstances where the number of divisions, or the number of teams playing in each division changes, promotions and relegations may need to be reviewed. In these circumstances the committee will decide the make-up of the league.

17. Teams conceding matches will have one point deducted from their total. Their opponents will be awarded two league points only. lf there is a tie at the end of the season, games will be awarded to the team who had the match conceded against them in accordance with the following formula:
• 55 games or;
• The average number of games won over the whole season or;
• The games won in the equivalent fixture, if played that season.
The most favourable of the above will apply.

18. At the end of the season, if any teams are tied on points, placing shall be determined as follows: -
• On the difference between games won and games lost. If these are equal;
• On the games difference from the fixtures between the equally placed teams. If these are also equal;
• On the total number of rubbers won from the fixtures between the equally placed teams.

Cancelling and Rearranging Matches

19. A match can be cancelled once it has commenced if both captains agree that the conditions compromise the safety of the players. If a match is called off during play and there is a winning score (one team has 55 or more games) then the remainder of games shall be split. If there is no winning score then the match should be rearranged.

20. Home captains can call matches off if their courts are unplayable before the away team has set off.

21. If a match is to be rearranged the home captain must offer the opposing captain up to three dates. The home captain should contact the away captain within 2 weeks of the date of the original fixture to provide these dates. One date must be a weekend when neither team has a scheduled match. If dates are not offered within this period, the home team will be deemed to have conceded the match. The Fixtures and Results secretary should be informed of the new match date.

22. If a home match has to be cancelled due to bad weather, or exceptional circumstances, it can be played at the away venue if both captains agree.

Submission of Results

23. Results scorecards are to be received within a week of the match so that the league tables can be kept up to date. The Fixtures and Results Secretary should be informed of postponed/cancelled matches by the home team captain. Clubs will be fined if scorecards are late, incorrect or incomplete.

24. If a player starts a match but is unable to complete it then the games which are not played will be conceded and awarded to the opposition. The scorecard should be completed as normal.

Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:16 March 22:16