Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League


2024 League Update

The AGM was held on Monday 26th February at the Fulfordgate Social Club, chaired by Laura Rhodes. The minutes of the AGM can be found below:

AGM 2024 minutes

Fixtures have now been published. Please check your fixtures and inform us if there are any issues.

Updated: 18th March 2024

2023 IT Too Tournament

We look forward to welcoming you to this year's IT Too Tournament at Copmanthorpe Tennis CLub on Saturday 23rd September. Below is a link to the registration for the event - please enter in pairs.

We will be holding a raffle, so please bring some change to buy tickets if you'd like to participate. Light refreshments will be provided.

Entry form

Updated: 7th August 2023

2023 League Update

The AGM was held on Thursday 2nd March at the Fulfordgate Social Club, chaired by LAura Rhodes. The minutes of the AGM can be found below:

AGM 2023 minutes

Fixtures have now been published. Please check your fixtures and inform us if there are any issues.

Updated: 4th March 2023

EGM Update

The EGM and presentation evening was held on Tuesday 18th October. Pauline stepped down as chair/secretary after a wonderful 10 years and was replaced by Laura Rhodes of Fulford (chair) and Claire Fuller of Copmanthorpe (Secretary). Many thanks to Pauline for all the amazing work! The minutes of the EGM can be found below:

EGM 2022 minutes

Updated: 23rd October 2022

IT Sports Tournament

Congratulations to Jo MIddleton and Fay Chapman, the winners of the 2022 IT Sports Tournament

Updated: 23rd October 2022

2021 league update

The York ladies' league will commence on the weekend of 26th & 27th July 2021. This year we will be playing half a season with no promotion or relegation. Please check your fixtures carefully and inform the league of any amendments required prior to the season starting.

Have an enjoyable (half) season of tennis!

Updated: 23rd June 2021

2021 league update

The York ladies', men's and mixed leagues have jointly decided that this year's season will not start at the usual time. Instead, we intend to begin the season after 21 June, at which point it is planned that all restrictions on gatherings and travel will have been lifted. The reason for the postponement of the season start is that the leagues are not in a position to bear the responsibility for ensuring compliance with coronavirus legislation and guidelines.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback about their desire, or otherwise, to have a full season. Based on this, it is clear that many people will be disappointed with the lack of a normal season start, but the leagues all considered this to be unavoidable with the restrictions that will still be in force even after 29 March. Please be assured that we would not delay the season without first considering all angles and exploring all possibilities to have it begin as normal.

It has not yet been decided exactly what format the league will take when it is able to restart, and of course the date of 21 June remains uncertain, as the government has made clear that the restrictions will be lifted only when the data warrants it. However, trophies will still be awarded to the champions of each division, but no teams will be promoted or relegated at the end of the season.

We will be in touch again in due course with further details of the season once they are available.

Updated: 4th March 2021

2020 league

It’s with great reluctance and a heavy heart that I have to advise you that this season’s Ladies Tennis League will have to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus outbreak. We have held back as long as we could regarding making this decision in the hope that the situation may change, but things now look more serious so we have no option but to cancel the season. If restrictions were relaxed in the coming months, it may be possible for teams to play friendly matches and the league would encourage this if government and LTA guidelines permit it.

I realise that tennis is much more than just a competitive sport to many of us, a chance for social interaction and fitness for us, physically and mentally. I’m sure we will all miss it greatly. Though in the grand scheme of things, I do appreciate that many people will have more serious issues regarding financial, physical and mental health issues to deal with in the coming months caused by this situation. I urge you all to keep in touch and support each other at the moment.

Regarding the fees that we collected at the AGM, I would suggest that the League retains them and we make no charge for League membership next season. This will avoid the complex issue of trying to refund everyone, though if anyone is not comfortable with this, please drop me a line. I realise that match play is a massive part of everyone’s club membership, and losing this may make people consider whether or not to join up and pay membership fees to their club. I would urge you to please do so, if you are not suffering financial hardship due to the current situation. Membership fees are the lifeblood of most clubs; despite not having matches to play this season, hopefully you will get the benefit of social tournaments, the use of your courts for group play and club sessions in the not too distant future, and you’ll know that you are contributing to the sustainability of your club.

I’m sorry this message is so serious and downbeat, but I guess that reflects the situation at the moment. As I said, please do keep in contact and support each other in the coming months. If anyone wants to drop me a line about any tennis issues, or indeed anything at all, please do so.

We will post any changes or updates to the situation on the website.

In the meantime, please all take care and stay safe.

Best Wishes,


Updated: April 2020


Following the UK government guidance issued on Monday 16 March, the league is reviewing what the impact on the 2020 season will be. This is happening in conjunction with the other tennis leagues in York and will also take into account any advice from other relevant authorities, including governing bodies. This process will take some time and it is likely that the government's guidance will change or be refined in the coming weeks.

The start of the season is still some weeks away so please be patient and we will make and communicate a final decision in plenty of time before the first matches are due to take place.

Updated: Tuesday 17 March 2020

Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:16 March 22:16