Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League

Player statistics for division 3

By pair

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Laura Robson / Elise PalmerRowntree Park 12927022739.4
Margaret Ward / Jill RounceBubwith 12420132048.5
Anna Airaksinen / Madeleine TomlinsonBubwith 12620152027.8
Jenny Davis / Sarah DaviesCopmanthorpe 132113181835.7
Susannah Dale-Simmonds / Sally HicksHeworth 11818001699.4
Laura Simpson / Amanda RobsonCopmanthorpe 12414191646.8
Helen Gray / Monica HaritakisHeworth 124113101466.1
Ros Latham / Dinah BurkeWilberfoss 11611141227.6
Hannah Nash / Ailish BrownRowntree Park 1188191196.6
Julia Sykes / Sue WilsonBishopthorpe 12191111165.5
Sharon Fletcher / Imogen FullerCopmanthorpe 1189271116.2
Chris Oldfield / Bev TebbuttWilberfoss 1176561036.1
Sally Hicks / Smriti SafayaHeworth 199009510.6
Lynne Marriage / Sue ShipleyBubwith 115708855.7
Sarah Falkingham / Mia Mutarelli-AtkinsonBubwith 111902847.6
Suzanne Hart / Jill WilliamsWetherby 215519815.4
Helen Gray / Lucy BryanHeworth 19711748.2
Andrene Watson / Jane ParkinBishopthorpe 112606695.8
Kim Strauss / Jill RounceBubwith 166006210.3
Jenny Dring / Smriti SafayaHeworth 16600579.5
Georgia Pratt / Karen PrattWilberfoss 19513576.3
Charlotte Phillips / Brook MorrisonRowntree Park 112237564.7
Emma Cashmore / Sarah MawbyBishopthorpe 16510569.3
Susannah Dale-Simmonds / Smriti SafayaHeworth 16420538.8
Vicky Wrigley / Carole WithersRufforth 29333525.8
Andrene Watson / Erin ProctorBishopthorpe 16600528.7
Gerry Screeton / Caroline GainesWilberfoss 16501508.3
Katie Harvey / Sue WilsonBishopthorpe 19315485.3
Sue Shipley / Jill RounceBubwith 15500479.4
Lynne Marriage / Mia Mutarelli-AtkinsonBubwith 16501467.7
Dinah Burke / Bev TebbuttWilberfoss 16501457.5
Amanda Robson / Sharon FletcherCopmanthorpe 15500459.0
Sarah Davies / Sharon FletcherCopmanthorpe 16402427.0
Helen Walker / Denise JaggerHeworth 16312396.5
Jo Coverdale / Laura DelafieldWetherby 26303386.3
Laura Delafield / Eleanor GoldWetherby 29108384.2
Louise Beasley / Rachel HughesWetherby 26213376.2
Gerry Screeton / Ros LathamWilberfoss 16312376.2
Sue Hanley / Georgina MacKenzieBishopthorpe 19216364.0
Hannah Nash / Rosanna MarriottRowntree Park 15302367.2
Smriti Safaya / Marion OwensHeworth 133003511.7
Monica Haritakis / Smriti SafayaHeworth 133003311.0
Clare McMahon / Helen TaylorRufforth 26303335.5
Sarah Mawby / Erin ProctorBishopthorpe 133003210.7
Gerry Screeton / Georgia PrattWilberfoss 16303315.2
Katie Harvey / Katie LewisBishopthorpe 16132315.2
Smriti Safaya / Marion MilesHeworth 133003010.0
Annafie Beaumont / Alice EamesRowntree Park 16213294.8
Charlotte Phillips / Annafie BeaumontRowntree Park 15302295.8
Fiona Chantrey / Rachel ButterworthWetherby 23300289.3
Susannah Dale-Simmonds / Lucy BryanHeworth 13300289.3
Rachel Hughes / Charlotte MannallWetherby 23210279.0
Madeleine Tomlinson / Margaret WardBubwith 13201279.0
Jenny Dring / Marion MilesHeworth 13300279.0
Sarah Falkingham / Margaret WardBubwith 13300279.0
Ros Latham / Bev TebbuttWilberfoss 16114274.5
Fiona Chantrey / Rachel HughesWetherby 25212275.4
Monica Haritakis / Jenny DringHeworth 13300268.7
Laura Robson / Charlotte PhillipsRowntree Park 13300268.7
Imogen Fuller / Hatty LythgoeCopmanthorpe 16204264.3
Madeleine Tomlinson / Sue ShipleyBubwith 13300258.3
Claire Fuller / Imogen FullerCopmanthorpe 16114254.2
Lucy Bryan / Marion OwensHeworth 13201248.0
Anna Airaksinen / Mia Mutarelli-AtkinsonBubwith 13201237.7
Denise Jagger / Lucy BryanHeworth 13300237.7
Lynda Withers / Katie SwiftCopmanthorpe 13210237.7
Laura Robson / Hannah NashRowntree Park 13210227.3
Lara Fawcett / Rachel HughesWetherby 23210227.3
Sarah Falkingham / Sue ShipleyBubwith 13201227.3
Rachel Hughes / Jill WilliamsWetherby 26123223.7
Suzanne Hart / Rachel FranklandWetherby 23102217.0
Helen Walker / Smriti SafayaHeworth 13201217.0
Katie Harvey / Sue HanleyBishopthorpe 13201217.0
Katie Lewis / Erin ProctorBishopthorpe 13300217.0
Ailish Brown / Elise PalmerRowntree Park 13111217.0
Lesley Sinton / Liz PowellRufforth 26105213.5
Kim Lees / Katie LewisBishopthorpe 16114203.3
Helen Robinson / Dawn SteelWetherby 23201206.7
Gerry Screeton / Chris OldfieldWilberfoss 13201206.7
Monica Haritakis / Helen WalkerHeworth 13201206.7
Liz Powell / Clare WhiteRufforth 26015203.3
Julia Sykes / Andrene WatsonBishopthorpe 13120206.7
Lynne Marriage / Madeleine TomlinsonBubwith 13201206.7
Charlotte Phillips / Ashley MorganRowntree Park 13111196.3
Lizanne Southworth / Lynne MarriageBubwith 13111196.3
Kim Lees / Jane ParkinBishopthorpe 13120196.3
Chris Oldfield / Caroline GainesWilberfoss 13111196.3
Alice Eames / Ashley BeardRowntree Park 13102196.3
Jane Parkin / Erin ProctorBishopthorpe 13102186.0
Emma Whiting / Helen TaylorRufforth 23102186.0
Fiona Chantrey / Jill WilliamsWetherby 23102186.0
Rachel Hill / Charlotte MannallWetherby 23102186.0
Imogen Fuller / Katie SwiftCopmanthorpe 12200189.0
Julia Sykes / Jane ParkinBishopthorpe 13201175.7
Fiona Chantrey / Charlotte MannallWetherby 23111175.7
Emma Whiting / Clare McMahonRufforth 23201175.7
Julia Raybould / Brook MorrisonRowntree Park 13111175.7
Dinah Burke / Jess CawoodWilberfoss 13012165.3
Madeleine Tomlinson / Mia Mutarelli-AtkinsonBubwith 13111165.3
Diane Hill / Helen TaylorRufforth 23102165.3
Dinah Burke / Max BaileyWilberfoss 13102155.0
Suzanne Hart / Eleanor GoldWetherby 23012155.0
Lucy Wright / Laura DelafieldWetherby 23102155.0
Charlotte Phillips / Ashley BeardRowntree Park 13012155.0
Hannah Nash / Julia RaybouldRowntree Park 13102155.0
Laura Delafield / Charlotte MannallWetherby 23102155.0
Helen Gray / Denise JaggerHeworth 13102155.0
Chris Oldfield / Karen PrattWilberfoss 13102144.7
Kathryn Dickinson / Georgina MacKenzieBishopthorpe 16015142.3
Karen Pratt / Max BaileyWilberfoss 13102144.7
Georgia Pratt / Sarah ColmerWilberfoss 12110136.5
Charlotte Phillips / Heidi WilliamsRowntree Park 13102134.3
Clare McMahon / Clare WhiteRufforth 23102134.3
Lynda Withers / Sharon FletcherCopmanthorpe 13012134.3
Liz Boyes-Watson / Rosanna MarriottRowntree Park 13102134.3
Georgia Pratt / Andrea WebsterWilberfoss 12101136.5
Denise Jagger / Karen CoomerHeworth 13012134.3
Eleanor Gold / Jesse BallWetherby 23003134.3
Eleanor Gold / Rachel FranklandWetherby 23012124.0
Anna Lewis / Diane HillRufforth 23012124.0
Helen Walker / Antonia GaneHeworth 13003124.0
Hannah Nash / Annafie BeaumontRowntree Park 13012124.0
Hannah Nash / Ashley BeardRowntree Park 13003124.0
Gerry Screeton / Bev TebbuttWilberfoss 12101115.5
Jenny Davis / Juliette NeylonCopmanthorpe 13102113.7
Karen Pratt / Sarah ColmerWilberfoss 16006111.8
Anna Lewis / Clare WhiteRufforth 23003113.7
Carole Withers / Helen TaylorRufforth 23012113.7
Vicky Wrigley / Wendy WatsonRufforth 23102113.7
Andrene Watson / Sue WilsonBishopthorpe 13102113.7
Jill Williams / Eleanor GoldWetherby 22011105.0
Laura Delafield / Saowaree Chun-ngamWetherby 23003103.3
Georgia Pratt / Caroline GainesWilberfoss 13003103.3
Jill Williams / Saowaree Chun-ngamWetherby 23003103.3
Clare Taylor / Heidi WilliamsRowntree Park 13102103.3
Laura Simpson / Sharon FletcherCopmanthorpe 13003103.3
Lynne Marriage / Sarah FalkinghamBubwith 13003103.3
Marise Richfield / Annabel WalkerWetherby 23003103.3
Marise Richfield / Lynne MayWetherby 22011105.0
Marise Richfield / Rachel FranklandWetherby 23003103.3
Sarah Colmer / Gill HusbandWilberfoss 13003103.3
Ameila Moran / Saowaree Chun-ngamWetherby 2300393.0
Ameila Moran / Jill WilliamsWetherby 2300393.0
Rachel Bramwell / Catherine GrayRufforth 2300393.0
Margaret Ward / Sue ShipleyBubwith 1300393.0
Lesley Sinton / Clare McMahonRufforth 2300393.0
Clare McMahon / Laura CrawfordRufforth 2300382.7
Krysia Clack / Georgina MacKenzieBishopthorpe 1300382.7
Morag Woon / Heather CarvellWetherby 2300382.7
Diane Hill / Clare WhiteRufforth 2300382.7
Rachel Hughes / Jesse BallWetherby 2300382.7
Carole Withers / Anna LewisRufforth 2301282.7
Judith Evans / Clare WhiteRufforth 2301282.7
Liz Walker / Bev TebbuttWilberfoss 1300382.7
Sue Hanley / Katie LewisBishopthorpe 1301282.7
Liz Walker / Sarah ColmerWilberfoss 1300372.3
Andrene Watson / Krysia ClackBishopthorpe 1300372.3
Helen Walker / Claire RichardsHeworth 1300372.3
Wendy Farnell / Diane HillRufforth 2600671.2
Helen Gray / Helen WalkerHeworth 1300372.3
Clare McMahon / Olivia WhitingRufforth 2300372.3
Catherine Gray / Laura CrawfordRufforth 2300362.0
Ros Latham / Jess CawoodWilberfoss 1300362.0
Liz Powell / Diane HillRufforth 2300362.0
Andrea Webster / Sarah ColmerWilberfoss 1300362.0
Erica Town / Claire RichardsHeworth 1300362.0
Alyson Ellershaw / Imogen FullerCopmanthorpe 1300341.3
Marise Richfield / Bev LynnWetherby 2300341.3
Liz Powell / Rachel BramwellRufforth 2300341.3
Catherine Gray / Sarah WalkerRufforth 2300331.0

Read more about the player statistics and how they are calculated.

Copyright 2025 Fulford Ladies Invitation Tennis League
Last updated:8 September 16:44